3 Ways that an Animal Makes a Great Caregiver in Dallas, TX

Did you ever think that an animal could be considered a caregiver? While most of the time we think of ourselves as being the caregivers for animals, sometimes it’s actually the other way around. Research studies have shown, throughout the years, that certain pats offer a number of benefits to patients young and old. They […]

Senior Care for Parkinson’s in Dallas, TX: What Every Patient Needs

Parkinson’s is a neurological disorder caused when the brain cells that are responsible for producing dopamine die. A dopamine deficiency leads to a series of physical and mental problems, such as tremors, speech problems, moodiness, impaired memory, bad posture, bradykinesia (slowness in movements), and rigidity. What does senior care for Parkinson’s entail? There is no […]

Elder Care in Dallas, TX: How to Get More Energy during Caregiving

When you’re a caregiver, whether you’ve been doing this for a few years already or have just started taking care of your parent, fatigue can be an important issue. If you have a busy schedule and a life outside of the caregiving, you can end up not taking care of yourself and feel physical, emotional […]

What Are the Hiring Requirements for the Home Care Services Agency You’re Considering Using in Plano, TX?

Deciding to hire home care services for a loved one might feel like a difficult decision. While you will spend time talking about it with your elderly loved one, and respect his or her decision about the proper level of care, when it comes time to choose the actual in home care provider who will […]

Home Care Services in Dallas, TX: Caregivers Looking for Help

Cindy and her 5 year old son moved in with her parents 8 years ago. Back then, her parents were in their 70s and both enjoyed good health. They loved doting on their grandson. Now Cindy’s mom has poor health due to diabetes and two strokes; her dad has developed Alzheimer’s. Cindy and her now […]

Elder Care in Dallas TX – The Art of Aging Gracefully

As you are contemplating elder care services for your aging mom, you probably flash back to the mom she was when you were just a little girl. Those days might seem like yesterday, yet are now so far away. It might be hard to believe. Time has passed so quickly and now you are making […]

Bathing an Aging Adult: Dallas, TX – The Value of Home Care Services

Providing in home care for a senior and the elderly is about more than just, companionship and household chores. Taking care of the elderly is about ensuring that your loved one is happy, healthy and safe. A key for most seniors is to make sure they are maintaining appropriate personal hygiene levels. Bathing and personal […]

What is “Aging in Place”? Elder Care in Dallas, TX

What is “Aging in Place”?  Elder Care in Dallas, TX The universe of senior care is filled with terms that may be unfamiliar and conflicting. If you have determined that you are providing in home care for your loved one or if you are looking for appropriate senior care options, it is important that you […]

Elder Care in Dallas, TX: Prevent Memory Loss

Elder Care in Dallas, TX:  Easy ways to Help Prevent Memory Loss There is a large amount of study and research in the area of Memory Loss, Alzheimer’s and dementia. Can we make gains in the prevention with good exercise, better diet and brain activities? Some of the factors that can put individuals in are […]

Adjusting to Alzheimer’s in your Family

It can be difficult to learn that a loved one has Alzheimer’s.  Alzheimer’s is a disease that has no cure; however there are excellent treatments to slow the progression of the disease, in many patients.  There is also is good reason for hope. New drugs are being developed to, hopefully, provide a cure in the […]