What is “Aging in Place”? Elder Care in Dallas, TX

What is “Aging in Place”?  Elder Care in Dallas, TX The universe of senior care is filled with terms that may be unfamiliar and conflicting. If you have determined that you are providing in home care for your loved one or if you are looking for appropriate senior care options, it is important that you […]

Do Your Parents Need A Caregiver in Dallas, TX?

Many seniors can live independently, and many can handle the activities of daily life quite well. However, as they age, things will change and they will need care and assistance to remain independent. There will need a helping hand, someone to check on them and help with the more difficult activities. How will you know […]

Caregiving From a Distance

Far from Mom and Dad? Many of my friends in the plus 40 crowd tell me about their ongoing challenges in dealing with their aging parents.  One friend, Cindy, in particular told me yesterday… “You are blessed, ” she said, “if your parents are still living. If you are truly blessed, your parents live nearby.” […]

Holiday Depression and Seniors

Most of us think about pleasant celebrations and gatherings with family members and friends during the holidays, but for many seniors, ’tis the season for sadness, loneliness and even depression. There are many reasons for these feelings. In some cases, the holidays remind seniors of those no longer living with whom they have shared holidays […]

6 Important Tips

Six Ways to Talk to Your Parents About Getting Help at Home It can be difficult to realize the fact that your parents may need assistance and help with day-to-day activities, and it can be a struggle  hiring a professional caregiver for help. Your loved one may react to this decision with some reluctance. When you discuss the subject […]

Scams Targeting Seniors

Seniors are often prime targets for scam artists because sometimes older adults might not realize they have been scammed, or they don’t speak up because they are ashamed or worried that it might be a sign of mental incompetence. To help protect yourself and your loved one, get familiar with these typical scams: 1. Health […]

Is your Mom or Dad in Pain?

It is common for pain to be untreated or even unrecognized in seniors.  This can be exacerbated for elderly who have a limited ability to communicate. Up to 80% of seniors experience pain, for many this results in unnecessary suffering. If you suspect pain, you notice changes in: •Labored and noisy breathing.  When pain increases, breathing may become rapid with short breaths. […]