Having Mom Move In: Is it the Same as Providing Senior Care?

Senior Care in Dallas,  TX – Mom will Still Need a Considerable Amount of Care once she Moves in

At first the idea was simple enough: your mother needed help at home and since she lived a little too far away from you, you told her that she should move in with you. Now that she’s finally agreed (albeit reluctantly), you’re wondering whether this is considered providing senior care.

Maybe you’re trying to determine if you can get some money through the government for helping her. Maybe she has continually talked about not wanting any type of home care for elderly patients because she didn’t want to be treated like a patient. Maybe there are other issues at play here.

She didn’t want to move away from her friends, but she also didn’t want to continue struggling with her basic care at home, living alone. You had given her the option of moving in with you or hiring a professional elderly health care provider and she chose to move in with you.

So, is this considered senior care? Not in the traditional sense of the word. When you’re talking about home health care services, you will be talking about having a person go to the home of the patient to provide support and care for him or her. That could be in the form of a home care aide or a visiting nurse, for example.

You’re just having your mother move into your home and even though you may provide some level of support for her, the main focus for you was to make sure that your mother was safe at home, and you assume that is now going to be achieved.

In truth, changing addresses isn’t going to change the overall situation. Your mother is still going to need the proper level of support and she may need someone to help her get around the house, get out of bed some mornings, get dressed, and she may need assistance getting into and out of the bathroom or shower. You might not have considered the safety of your home as opposed to where she had been living.

You might have brought a shower seat from her old home to yours, but is that enough? Are you going to be willing and able to support her with all of the things she needs help with?

Just because your mother moved in with you, that doesn’t mean she no longer requires any other type of senior care. She may even need MORE care now that she’s in an unfamiliar home, trying to get around furniture she isn’t used to. It may be a good start, but consider hiring professional senior care to help mom with her daily activities that you may not have time for, even in your own home.

If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Dallas, TX, contact Approved In Home Care at 972-212-5343 today.

About Zack McConnell

We have found that the elderly, with a care and assistance, can lead a healthy, safe life in the comfort of their own homes. At Approved In Home Care, it is our goal to help you or your loved enjoy the benefits and independence of remaining in your own home; in a familiar safe and comfortable environment for as long as possible.

At Approved In Home Care we provide highly qualified in-home caregivers to seniors and the elderly who need help or assistance. Approved In Home Care is an accredited Personal Assistance Service by the State of Texas and The Department of Aging and Disability Services, with access to recognized experts in senior care and care for the elderly.

At Approved In Home Care we provide our staff and clients the most modern and updated educational resources available. This allows us to provide the highest quality of care services for seniors and the elderly in Dallas, TX and the surrounding communities.

Approved In Home Care has the advantage of being a family owned, local owned and operated non-franchise business in the Dallas, Collin, Denton, Rockwall and Grayson counties. When you contact us you will talk directly to one of the owners or one our select and highly trained care managers.

You’re loved one may only need a little extra help around the house for few hours each week or possibly they may need around the clock 24 hour attention, Approved In Home Care is the answer. We build a custom care plan around your specific needs.

If you have a family member who could benefit from assistance by a caregiver that is trained to provide elder care services in Dallas, TX contact the staff at Approved In Home Care.

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